Convegno: Ancient Egyptian demonology – A comparative perspective, Bonn, 28.02/01.03.2011

(via agade-Mailinglist)

From Rita Lucarelli

Bonn, 28.02 – 01.03 2011

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7 – Übungsraum 4


Monday, February 28
9.00 Prof. Dr. Ludwig Morenz

9.15 Dr. Rita Lucarelli (Bonn University)
Introducing The Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project: a categorization, typology, and classification of the demonic entities in ancient Egypt.

The sources and aim of this project will be further illustrated in the following lectures:

9.30 Prof. Dr. Ludwig Morenz (Bonn University)
Klassifizierungsprobleme der Sakralwelt. Was ist ein nTr ?

10.00 Dr. Kasia Szpakowśka (Swansea University)
Practical Demon-Keeping: methods for dealing with hostile demonic entities in ancient Egypt

10.30 Coffee Pause

10.45 Dr. Rita Lucarelli (Bonn University)
Apotropaic gods, protective genii or malevolent creatures? Issues of classifications in the world of demons: the vignette of Spell 182 of the Book of the Dead

11.15 Dr. Panagiotis Kousoulis (University of the Aegean)
Apophis and his sister: the demonisation of venomous bites and agents in Egypt and abroad

11.45 Open discussion

12.15 Lunch

13.30 Prof. Dr. H-W. Fischer-Elfert (University of Leipzig)
Steckbrief eines nubischen(?) Dämonen – Zu Überlieferung und Natur von Sehaq(eq)

14.00 Judith Weingarten, MA (British School at Athens)
From Egyptian Taweret to ‘Minoan Genius’: the development of a demon in Minoan Crete

14.30 Anne-Caroline Rendue Loisel (Geneva University)
Exorcism and demons in Ancient Mesopotamia

15.00 Open discussion

15.30 Coffee Pause

15.45 Prof. Dr. Heinz-Josef Fabry (Bonn University)
Dämonenglaube im Alten Testament und der Monotheismus – eine Verhältnisbestimmung

16.15 Philipp Kubisch, MA (Bonn University)
Zur altindischen Dämonologie

16.45 Prof. Dr. Silvana Carotenuto (University of Naples – Orientale)
Isis, Kore, and Cleopatra: Three Sublime Feminine Demons

17.15 Open discussion

19.00 Evening Lecture at the Akademisches Kunstmuseum.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmidt (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin)
The iconic world of Göbekli Tepe – Demons and Monsters of the Stone Age?

20.00 Guided visit of the Egyptian Collection of Bonn University and reception in the Egyptian Museum

Tuesday, March 1

9.00 Prof. Dr. Jacques van der Vliet (Leiden University/ Radboud University Nijmegen)
Engaging the demons in late-antique Egypt

9.30 Dr. Heinz Felber (Köln University)
Only “something acrid and extremely fowl”? Perceptions of good and evil spirits in the Coptic Life of Antony

10.00 Coffee Pause

10.15 Prof. Dr. Birgit Krawietz (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Surviving Monotheism. Jinn and the Arabic Islamic World

10.45 Christian Klinger, MA (Bonn University)
Shape-shifting and Transformation in Mesoamerica – The Wáay-beings in a diachronic perspective

11.15 Closing session – New Perspectives in Demonology

12.15 Lunch

13.30 Visit to the Mesoamerican Collection of Bonn University and to the Book of the Dead Project (Oxfordstrasse 15)

The conference is sponsored by the Book of the Dead Project – Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste

Sulla demonologia nell’antico Egitto si veda, dell’organizzatrice del convegno, la seguente recentissima voce enciclopedica (con ampia bibliografia):

Lucarelli, Rita (2010) Demons (benevolent and malevolent). In Dieleman, Jacco & Wendrich, Willeke (eds.). UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Los Angeles.

Recensione a Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth-Century Syria (2006)

(UPDATE, originariamente pubblicato il 06 agosto)
(via Jim Davila, PaleoJudaica)

Nel numero della Bryn Mawr Classical Review datato 06 agosto 2007 appare una recensione al volume

Trzcionka, Silke (2006). Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth-Century Syria. London and New York: Routledge

dedicato alle pratiche magiche nella Siria del tardo antico, attraverso le fonti archeologiche e letterarie, frutto delle ricerche compiute per il conseguimento, nel 2004, del dottorato da Silke Trzcionka in Sitzler (dati bibliografici della tesi e abstract disponibili qui; vedi anche l’intervento A Syrian-Christian Perspective on the Supernatural presentato alla Western Pacific Rim Patristics Society Inaugural Conference del 25-26 settembre 2004).

La recensione è leggibile qui.

The Occult Sciences in Byzantium (2007)

(via Academic-Study-Magic Discussion List)

E’ recentemente uscito un volume di possibile interesse:

Magdalino, Paul, & Mavroudi, Maria (ed.) (2007). The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. Geneva, CH: la pomme d’or S.A.

frutto del colloquio omonimo tenutosi nel 2003 presso la Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection di Washington, D.C.

Il volume contiene i seguenti testi di 11 diversi storici dedicati ad astrologia, alchimia e magia nel mondo bizantino:

  • Paul Magdalino, Maria Mavroudi, Introduction.
  • Maria Mavroudi, Occult Sciences and Society in Byzantium: Considerations for Future Research.
  • Katerina Ierodiakonou, The Byzantine Concept of Sympatheia and its Appropriation in Michael Psellos.
  • Paul Magdalino, Occult Sciences and Imperial Power in Byzantine History and Historiography.
  • Maria Papathanassiou, Stephanos of Alexandria: a Famous Byzantine Scolar, Alchemist and Astrologer.
  • Michèle Mertens, Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy in Byzantium.
  • David Pingree (1933-2005), The Byzantine Translations of Masha’alla’s Works in Interrogational Astrology.
  • William Adler, Did the Biblical Patriarch Practice Astrology? Michael Glykas and Manuel Komnenos I on Seth and Abraham.
  • Anne Tihon, Astrological Promenade in Byzantium in the Early Palaiologan Period;
  • Joshua Holo, Hebrew Astrology in Byzantine Southern Italy.
  • Charles Burnett, Late Antique and Medieval Latin Translations of Greek Texts on Astrology and Magic.
  • George Saliba, Revisiting the Astronomical Contacts between the World of Islam and Renaissance Europe: the Byzantine Connection.

Colgo l’occasione per segnalare che un precedente volume collettaneo dedicato alla magia nel mondo bizantino

Maguire, Henry (ed.) (1995). Byzantine magic. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection

risultato del colloquio “Magic and Visual Culture in Byzantium” tenutosi nel 1993 presso la stessa sede di quello di un decennio dopo, è disponibile on-line (alla pagina linkata in corrispondenza al titolo) sul sito di quella biblioteca. I testi contenuti sono i seguenti:

  • Henry Maguire, Introduction
  • Matthew W. Dickie, The Fathers of the Church and the Evil Eye
  • James Russell, The Archaeological Context of Magic in the Early Byzantine Period
  • Henry Maguire, Magic and the Christian Image
  • Alexander Kazhdan (1922-1997), Holy and Unholy Miracle Workers
  • John Duffy, Reactions of Two Byzantine Intellectuals to the Theory and Practice of Magic: Michael Psellos and Michael Italikos
  • Marie Theres Fögen, Balsamon on Magic: From Roman Secular Law to Byzantine Canon Law
  • Richard P. H. Greenfield, A Contribution to the Study of Palaeologan Magic
  • Robert Mathiesen, Magic in Slavia Orthodoxa: The Written Tradition